“Summer 2024” online conference – Hotel “Maestral” is fully booked

At the “Summer 2024″ online conference, hoteliers, tourism workers and festival organizers from the entire region talked about preparations for the upcoming season. Marija Martinović, director of marketing and sales of Maestral Resort & Casino, revealed that a very interesting world tournament is taking place in Montenegro this May.

” Montenegro and Hotel Maestral will be the central point in Europe of the most prestigious poker event on the planet where all the big names of the elite appear. This event achieves record stakes in poker tournaments. A big event like this, that will last more than 20 days, requires all available capacities in Hotel Maestral itself, but also in its vicinity. Thus, during May, the Chinese restaurant ‘Jade’ will also be fully booked, and the popular casino Maestral will have a limited offer of gaming tables and machines!”, says Marija Martinović from “Maestral”

“Usually at the end of April we have an estimate of bookings for the season, however this year we have confirmed bookings and sales are closed for a large number of summer dates.

August is traditionally the best when it comes to Maestral since it is a traditionally sold-out month already in January, mainly thanks to our traditional guests from Italy, which have so called Ferragosta at that time but this year September is also almost full.

Texas Hold’em poker tournament is really the best way to start this season.

We believe that 2024 will be one of the most successful so far!” concluded Marija Martinović.