“Diplomatic grape harvest” in Plešivica wine growing region

As host, President Milanović participated in the traditional “Diplomatic grape harvest” organized for the heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited to the Republic of Croatia. The organizer of the grape harvest is the Town of Jastrebarsko, and the eighth edition of the “Diplomatic grape harvest” was held in the Kolarić family vineyard in the hills of Plešivica.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Filip Glas, Tomislav Bušljeta

The diplomats accredited to the Republic of Croatia were also greeted by the Mayor of the Town of Jastrebarsko Zvonimir Novosel, who noted that with the “Diplomatic grape harvest” they are striving to showcase the quality of the wines that Jaska and Plešivica can boast of.

“Franjo Kolarić is a member of the younger generation of winemakers who has made a breakthrough in wine production and in the market business. The path he has crossed from his beginnings to the present day was by no means easy. Today, Franjo is one of the most successful winemakers in Jaska and one of those who has enhanced the wine industry in Croatia”, the Mayor of Jaska stated.

“Years of hard work and sacrifices are behind us, we were able to succeed together as a family. There are 26 grape harvests to my name, and one of them is underway. At the moment we are cultivating eight hectares of our own vineyards in cooperation with ten other families. Our wish and our plan are to expand the area of our vineyards for the benefit of our families as well as the entire region of Sveta Jana, Plešivica and Jastrebarsko”, Franjo Kolarić, the owner of the winery stated.